Trip Reports
Spoon-billed Sandpiper survey in Mekong Delta 2015
(Nguyen Hoai Bao (1) , Le Hong Phuc (1), Nguyen Hao Quang (2) , Nguyen Van Thang (2) (1) - University of Science, Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh city (2) - Wildtour Co., LTD)The Spoon-billed Sandpiper (Calidris pygmaea) is one of the rarest migrant birds in the world. It is declining at an alarming rate and will become extinct within the next decade without our help. Recently surveys have found that Mekong delta coastal area holds an important population in winter migration (5-8 individulas, more than 1% global population), Nguyen Hoai Bao et al., 2013; Vladimir V. Morozov et al., 2012
As part of this programme Vietnam Wildlife Tours & Research in collabration with University of Science, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh city have volunteered to conduct a survey in the Mekong from 16 to 22 January 2015. All travelling expense was funded by Viet Nature and an additional survey at Tan Thanh beach on January 31 was supported by Wildtour Co., LTD

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Welcome to the birds 2014
(Nguyen Hoai Bao)This is Vietnamese version trip report for event Welcome to the birds in Southern Vietnam 2014/2015.

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Birding vietnam C & S-annam and Cochinchina
(Sjoerd Radstaak - 2014)Hereby, I would like to also thank the following people: Bao Nguyen (owner of Wildtour Co.) for helping us on getting more information on Mt. Ngoc Linh (Golden-winged Laughingthrush) - not in our trip itinerary -, Lo Xo pass and many other places; Simon Mahood for pointing out where and how to find Chestnut-eared and Red-tailed Laughingthrush at Mang Den and some additional information on Black-crowned Barwing; Patrik Åberg and Hans Metheve for their willingness to share some recordings with us; Johannes Fischer for his comments on our itinerary and some target species and the people of Bi Doup Nui Ba NP for helping to arrange climbing Mt. Bi Doup (unfortunately cancelled due to bad weather)