List of Birds of Ho Chi Minh city
Checklist of the birds of Sai Gon region
Birdlist of Ho Chi Minh city which is included Can Gio mangroves, beach and salt-pans, urban (Sai Gon zoo / Botanical garden and parks) and suburban areas in District 2, 7, 9
It does not include a few species occur in Cu Chi area such as: Crow-billed Drongo (rare), White-crested Laughingthrush, Lesser-necklacked Laughingthrush neither include escaped species.
No. |
Scientific name |
English name |
Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl) |
1 |
Dendrocygna javanica |
Lesser Whistling-Duck |
Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants and Shags) |
2 |
Phalacrocorax fuscicollis |
Indian Cormorant |
3 |
Phalacrocorax carbo |
Great Cormorant |
4 |
Phalacrocorax niger |
Little Cormorant |
Ardeidae (Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns) |
5 |
Botaurus stellaris |
Great Bittern |
6 |
Ixobrychus cinnamomeus |
Cinnamon Bittern |
7 |
Ardea cinerea |
Gray Heron |
8 |
Ardea purpurea |
Purple Heron |
9 |
Ardea alba modesta |
Great Egret (Australasian) |
10 |
Mesophoyx intermedia |
Intermediate Egret |
11 |
Egretta garzetta |
Little Egret |
12 |
Egretta sacra |
Pacific Reef-Heron |
13 |
Bubulcus ibis |
Cattle Egret |
14 |
Ardeola bacchus |
Chinese Pond-Heron |
15 |
Ardeola speciosa |
Javan Pond-Heron |
16 |
Butorides striata |
Striated Heron |
17 |
Nycticorax nycticorax |
Black-crowned Night-Heron |
Pandionidae (Osprey) |
18 |
Pandion haliaetus |
Osprey |
19 |
Pernis ptilorhynchus |
Oriental Honey-buzzard |
20 |
Elanus caeruleus |
Black-shouldered Kite |
21 |
Haliastur indus |
Brahminy Kite |
22 |
Haliaeetus leucogaster |
White-bellied Sea-Eagle |
23 |
Spilornis cheela |
Crested Serpent-Eagle |
24 |
Accipiter badius |
Shikra |
25 |
Accipiter virgatus |
Besra |
Charadriidae (Plovers and Lapwings) |
26 |
Vanellus indicus |
Red-wattled Lapwing |
27 |
Pluvialis squatarola |
Black-bellied Plover |
28 |
Pluvialis fulva |
Pacific Golden-Plover |
29 |
Charadrius mongolus |
Lesser Sand-Plover |
30 |
Charadrius leschenaultii |
Greater Sand-Plover |
31 |
Charadrius peronii |
Malaysian Plover |
32 |
Charadrius alexandrinus |
Kentish Plover |
33 |
Charadrius dubius |
Little Ringed Plover |
Recurvirostridae (Stilts and Avocets) |
34 |
Himantopus himantopus |
Black-winged Stilt |
Jacanidae (Jacanas) |
35 |
Metopidius indicus |
Bronze-winged Jacana |
Scolopacidae (Sandpipers and Allies) |
36 |
Xenus cinereus |
Terek Sandpiper |
37 |
Actitis hypoleucos |
Common Sandpiper |
38 |
Tringa ochropus |
Green Sandpiper |
39 |
Tringa erythropus |
Spotted Redshank |
40 |
Tringa nebularia |
Common Greenshank |
41 |
Tringa guttifer |
Nordmann's Greenshank |
42 |
Tringa stagnatilis |
Marsh Sandpiper |
43 |
Tringa glareola |
Wood Sandpiper |
44 |
Tringa totanus |
Common Redshank |
45 |
Numenius phaeopus |
Whimbrel |
46 |
Numenius madagascariensis |
Far Eastern Curlew |
47 |
Numenius arquata |
Eurasian Curlew |
48 |
Limosa limosa |
Black-tailed Godwit |
49 |
Limosa lapponica |
Bar-tailed Godwit |
50 |
Arenaria interpres |
Ruddy Turnstone |
51 |
Calidris canutus |
Red Knot |
52 |
Calidris alba |
Sanderling |
53 |
Calidris ruficollis |
Red-necked Stint |
54 |
Calidris minuta |
Little Stint |
55 |
Calidris subminuta |
Long-toed Stint |
56 |
Calidris alpina |
Dunlin |
57 |
Calidris ferruginea |
Curlew Sandpiper |
58 |
Eurynorhynchus pygmeus |
Spoon-billed Sandpiper |
59 |
Limicola falcinellus |
Broad-billed Sandpiper |
60 |
Philomachus pugnax |
Ruff |
61 |
Gallinago gallinago |
Common Snipe |
62 |
Phalaropus lobatus |
Red-necked Phalarope |
Turnicidae (Buttonquail) |
63 |
Turnix suscitator |
Barred Buttonquail |
Glareolidae (Pratincoles and Coursers) |
64 |
Glareola maldivarum |
Oriental Pratincole |
Rostratulidae (Painted-Snipes) |
65 |
Rostratula benghalensis |
Greater Painted-snipe |
Laridae (Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers) |
66 |
Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus |
Brown-headed Gull |
67 |
Gelochelidon nilotica |
Gull-billed Tern |
68 |
Hydroprogne caspia |
Caspian Tern |
69 |
Chlidonias leucopterus |
White-winged Tern |
70 |
Sterna sumatrana |
Black-naped Tern |
71 |
Sterna hirundo |
Common Tern |
Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves) |
72 |
Streptopelia tranquebarica |
Red Collared-Dove |
73 |
Streptopelia chinensis |
Spotted Dove |
74 |
Treron pompadora phayrei |
Pompadour Green-Pigeon (Ashy-headed) |
Psittacidae (Parrots) |
75 |
Psittacula finschii |
Gray-headed Parakeet |
76 |
Psittacula alexandri |
Red-breasted Parakeet |
Cuculidae (Cuckoos) |
77 |
Cacomantis merulinus |
Plaintive Cuckoo |
78 |
Eudynamys scolopaceus |
Asian Koel |
79 |
Phaenicophaeus tristis |
Green-billed Malkoha |
80 |
Centropus sinensis |
Greater Coucal |
81 |
Centropus bengalensis |
Lesser Coucal |
Tytonidae (Barn-Owls) |
82 |
Tyto alba |
Barn Owl |
83 |
Caprimulgus macrurus |
Large-tailed Nightjar |
Apodidae (Swifts) |
84 |
Hirundapus cochinchinensis |
Silver-backed Needletail |
85 |
Aerodramus germani |
German's Swiftlet |
86 |
Apus nipalensis |
House Swift |
Alcedinidae (Kingfishers) |
87 |
Alcedo atthis |
Common Kingfisher |
88 |
Alcedo meninting |
Blue-eared Kingfisher |
89 |
Ceyx erithaca |
Black-backed Kingfisher |
90 |
Pelargopsis capensis |
Stork-billed Kingfisher |
91 |
Halcyon smyrnensis |
White-throated Kingfisher |
92 |
Halcyon pileata |
Black-capped Kingfisher |
93 |
Todiramphus chloris |
Collared Kingfisher |
Meropidae (Bee-eaters) |
94 |
Merops orientalis |
Green Bee-eater |
95 |
Merops philippinus |
Blue-tailed Bee-eater |
96 |
Merops leschenaulti |
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater |
Picidae (Woodpeckers) |
97 |
Dendrocopos canicapillus |
Gray-capped Woodpecker |
98 |
Picus vittatus |
Laced Woodpecker |
99 |
Chrysocolaptes lucidus |
Greater Flameback |
Acanthizidae (Thornbills and Allies) |
100 |
Gerygone sulphurea |
Golden-bellied Gerygone |
Artamidae (Woodswallows) |
101 |
Artamus fuscus |
Ashy Woodswallow |
Aegithinidae (Ioras) |
102 |
Aegithina tiphia |
Common Iora |
Dicruridae (Drongos) |
103 |
Dicrurus macrocercus |
Black Drongo |
104 |
Dicrurus leucophaeus |
Ashy Drongo |
Rhipiduridae (Fantails) |
105 |
Rhipidura javanica |
Pied Fantail |
106 |
Hypothymis azurea |
Black-naped Monarch |
Corvidae (Crows, Jays, and Magpies) |
107 |
Corvus macrorhynchos |
Large-billed Crow |
Hirundinidae (Swallows) |
108 |
Hirundo rustica |
Barn Swallow |
109 |
Hirundo tahitica |
Pacific Swallow |
110 |
Cecropis daurica |
Red-rumped Swallow |
111 |
Cecropis striolata |
Striated Swallow |
Paridae (Chickadees and Tits) |
112 |
Parus major |
Great Tit |
Pycnonotidae (Bulbuls) |
113 |
Pycnonotus aurigaster |
Sooty-headed Bulbul |
114 |
Pycnonotus goiavier |
Yellow-vented Bulbul |
115 |
Pycnonotus blanfordi |
Streak-eared Bulbul |
Phylloscopidae (Leaf-Warblers) |
116 |
Phylloscopus inornatus |
Yellow-browed Warbler |
117 |
Phylloscopus borealis |
Arctic Warbler |
Acrocephalidae (Reed-Warblers and Allies) |
118 |
Acrocephalus bistrigiceps |
Black-browed Reed-Warbler |
119 |
Acrocephalus orientalis |
Oriental Reed-Warbler |
Locustellidae (Grassbirds and Allies) |
120 |
Locustella lanceolata |
Lanceolated Warbler |
Cisticolidae (Cisticolas and Allies) |
121 |
Cisticola juncidis |
Zitting Cisticola |
122 |
Orthotomus sutorius |
Common Tailorbird |
123 |
Orthotomus ruficeps |
Ashy Tailorbird |
124 |
Prinia rufescens |
Rufescent Prinia |
125 |
Prinia flaviventris |
Yellow-bellied Prinia |
126 |
Prinia inornata |
Plain Prinia |
Muscicapidae (Old World Flycatchers) |
127 |
Muscicapa dauurica |
Asian Brown Flycatcher |
128 |
Copsychus saularis |
Oriental Magpie-Robin |
Timaliidae (Babblers) |
129 |
Macronous gularis |
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler |
Zosteropidae (Yuhinas, White-eyes, and Allies) |
130 |
Zosterops palpebrosus |
Oriental White-eye |
Sturnidae (Starlings) |
131 |
Gracula religiosa |
Common Hill Myna |
132 |
Acridotheres burmannicus |
Vinous-breasted Starling |
133 |
Gracupica nigricollis |
Black-collared Starling |
Dicaeidae (Flowerpeckers) |
134 |
Dicaeum agile |
Thick-billed Flowerpecker |
135 |
Dicaeum chrysorrheum |
Yellow-vented Flowerpecker |
136 |
Dicaeum cruentatum |
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker |
Nectariniidae (Sunbirds and Spiderhunters) |
137 |
Anthreptes malacensis |
Plain-throated Sunbird |
138 |
Cinnyris jugularis |
Olive-backed Sunbird |
Motacillidae (Wagtails and Pipits) |
139 |
Motacilla flava |
Western Yellow Wagtail |
140 |
Motacilla cinerea |
Gray Wagtail |
141 |
Motacilla alba |
White Wagtail |
142 |
Anthus richardi |
Richard's Pipit |
143 |
Anthus rufulus |
Oriental Pipit |
Passeridae (Old World Sparrows) |
144 |
Passer domesticus |
House Sparrow |
145 |
Passer flaveolus |
Plain-backed Sparrow |
146 |
Passer montanus |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow |
Ploceidae (Weavers and Allies) |
147 |
Ploceus philippinus |
Baya Weaver |
148 |
Ploceus hypoxanthus |
Asian Golden Weaver |
149 |
Lonchura striata |
White-rumped Munia |
150 |
Lonchura punctulata |
Nutmeg Mannikin |